Three Types of Hajj in Islam | Tamattu | Qiran | Ifrad

Mirza Abrar Baig
2 min readApr 26, 2023


There are three types of Hajj Tamattu, Qiran, and Ifrad.


A pilgrim performing the Tamattu type of Hajj terminates his Ihram after completing his Umrah. He remains in this state of termination until the 8th day of Dhul — Hijjah. On that day, he assumes Ihram from his residence in Makkah (or from his residence in Mina if he is already there) and heads for Mina, as explained later in detail.


If the pilgrim is offering the Qiran type of Hajj, he remains in the state of Ihram- throughout — until he terminates it on the 10th day of Dhul — Hijjah (the day of the sacrifice, or Yaum an- Nahr).

There are two forms of Qiran:

  1. To enter into the state of Ihram for Hajj and Umrah combined from the Miqat, by saying


Here I am, O Allah for Umrah and Hajj

  1. To enter into the state of Ihram for Umrah alone at the Miqat and to incorporate Hajj into it later before commencing the Tawaf of the Hajj.

Another form is a subject of controversy among the scholars, which is to enter into the state of Ihram for Hajj at the Miqat and then incorporate the intention for Umrah later before one commences any of the rites of Hajj such as Tawaf and sayee.

The pilgrim doing Qiran remains in the state of Ihram. When he arrives at Makkah, he arrivesat Tawaf and makes a single sayee for his Hajj and Umrah. He continues to maintain the state of Ihram until the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah, when he terminates it. He must slaughter a sacrifice like the one performing the Tamattu type of Hajj.


The pilgrim offering the Ifrad type of Hajj enters into the state of Ihram for Hajj only at the Miqat. When he arrives at Makkah, he arrivesat Tawaf, a recommended act (not obligatory), and makes sayee for his Hajj. He then remains in the state of Ihram until the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah. The one doing Qiran and one doing Ifrad types of Hajj perform the same rites. The only difference between them is that the former will have Hajj and Umrah while the latter will only have Hajj. Also, the former has to slaughter a sacrifice while the latter does not have to.

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